Get to know me!

My name is Jaclyn Trentacosti and I am a Graduate student at Queens College. I am working towards applying for the Dual Degree Library Science and History Program. I work for a company called Mutual Hardware as an Administrative and Accounting Assistant. I strive towards improving on my mental health everyday and being my healthiest version.


Some hobbies of mine, whether new ones or ones that I have loved to do for years, are playing games. I love card games of all sorts, I like puzzles, and I am a casual video gamer. I also love to read novels. I love all different types of genres like romance, mystery, suspense, etc. The only genre I have a hard time getting into to is science fiction. An author that I want to get more into is Stephen King.

Favorite Animals

I love animals and my favorite animals are cats. Dogs are a close second. I think Calico, Bombay, Tabby, and British Shorthair are the most beautiful breeds. I also think for dogs that the Rottweiler breed is the most beautiful breed.

Favorite foods

I love chicken, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs. I have favorite junk foods too. If I am in a salty mood, I lean more towards potato chips. I like Sour Cream and Onion or even spicy chips. If I am in a sweets mood, I will lean more towards Oreo Cookies and Ice Cream. I love Vanilla, Strawberry, and Chocolate ice cream in that order.